Object-Oriented Programming (OOP's)

In oops we can get the return value multiple in form from a function using object.

What is OOP's? full explanation?

basically oops stand for object-oriented programming, the main purpose of oops

to everything represented as an object.

In OOP's there are six types 

1 Class

2 Object

3 Abstraction 

4 encapsulation 

5 Inheritance 

6 Polymorphism 


class is the collection of objects, class is not a real word entity, it is just a templet or blueprint of prototype, class does not occupy memory.


the object is an instance of a class that executes the class, once the object is created it takes up space like other variables in memory.

 object consists of 


state /Attribute:-color, blood, age 

Behavior:- cat, run, etc 


What is an Abstraction?

Abstraction means hiding the internal details and showing the required part.

the example that:-

consider a man is driving a car while driving a car, men will focus on the using staring, gear, accelerator men do not require to know the internal mechanism of a car. like that abstraction is working while using or writing a program. 

What is  Encapsulation?

means binding code and data into a single section this process is known as or called encapsulation.

the example that:-Complete laptop is a single encapsulation unit where all the things are hidden inside the laptop.

What is Inheritance?

Inheritance means that it is the process where  one object acquires all the properties or features of  an existing class into a new class 

an example is that- old television change into LCD.

What is polymorphism?

polymorphism means that it is a concept in which we can execute a single operation in different ways.

an example that:- one mobile can perform any task at a time like playing music, playing games and etc.


Advantage of OOP's (object-oriented programming )

1 security 

2 reusability 

3 Easily upgraded 

4 Maintenance


Effective communication

Developing complex software

 Easy partition of work