Relationship in java

 Relationship in java 

type of relationship always makes to understand how to reuse the feature from one class to another class. in java programming we have three types of relationship they are:- 

. IS-A relationship (Inheritance)

. HAS-A relationship (Aggregation)

. User -A relationship 

 IS-A relationship 

In an IS-A relationship, one class is obtaining the feature of another
 class by using inheritance concept with extend keyword.

NOTE:- in an IS-A relationship there exists 
logical memory space 

Note:- the default relationship in java is IS-A because for
each and every class in java there exists an implicit
predefined superclass in java. lang.object


HAS-A relationship 

In HAS-A relationship an object of one class is created as a 
data member in another class the relationship between these
 two classes in HAS-A

In HAS-A relationship there existed physical memory space
 and it is also known as part of or kind of relationship 

User -A relationship 

A method of one class is using an object of another class the 
relationship between these two classes is known as user-A relationship.

What is Inheritance ?

The process of obtaining the data members and methods from 
one class to another class is known as inheritance 

Type of Inheritance 

. single 

. multi-level 

. multiple 


In single inheritance one parent and one child class 


In multi-level inheritance derived from derived class


In multiple inheritances multiple parent but single child 


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